Thursday, September 24, 2015

Conference Feedback

I felt that the conferences were very useful. I didn't even realize that my mandatory draft had comments on it until i had my conference. In the conference I got extra feedback on my paper that i couldn't have gotten though the comments posted on my paper. I found that I need to make a list of points about the rhetorical situations in both academic and non-academic writings in corporate finance. I wouldn't have known this if I didn't attend the conference. Although the conferences were useful, I believe they could have been even more useful if they were thirty minutes long in stead of just fifteen. We ran a little long on my conference and I think a little more feedback could have helped my paper even more. Also, in the peer review, instead of twenty questions, make it just five main points of interest that need to be checked. I felt I was reanalyzing the same areas multiple times. In conclusion, keep both the conferences and comments on the paper, but make the conferences a little longer, and shorten the peer review questions to only about five questions.

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